How do I get a mount in Elder Scrolls Online?

The Gold Edition comes with a free Palomino horse mount that you can use immediately

You will definitely need a mount (or horse) to traverse the lands of Tamriel.

The Gold Edition comes with a free Palomino horse mount that you can use immediately

If the edition you bought did not come with a mount, here’s how to get one Continue reading “How do I get a mount in Elder Scrolls Online?”

Don’t buy all the mats you need at Guild Stores! Get them much cheaper at merchants

You can get these items at the respective merchants usually stationed near the crafting station.

They are labelled as Carpenter, Blacksmith, Clothier and Enchanter

Also of note, if a crafting writ requires a recipe, you have to get them at Brewers and Chefs. They’ll be more expensive as you level up, but you only need to ‘learn’ it once per character

Following are the items you can get at these merchants Continue reading “Don’t buy all the mats you need at Guild Stores! Get them much cheaper at merchants”

You should preorder Summerset if you don’t have Morrowind yet!

If you don’t have Morrowind yet, you should buy it now with Summerset for the following reasons

UPDATE: The promotion has ended and this article is no longer valid.

In the latest news post, Zenimax has announced that it will be opening PvP Battlegrounds access to all ESO players

The Morrowind zone and story content will be available for purchase in the Crown Store and be accessible to all ESO Plus members.

In addition to this, the Warden Class will be available separately in the Crown Store as an Upgrade. All these changes will occur when ESO: Summerset and Update 18 comes to Xbox One and PlayStation®4 on June 5, and PC/Mac on May 21.

Now if you don’t have Morrowind yet, you should buy it now with Summerset for the following reasons

  1. The purchase will be tied to your account. You’ll have access to Morrowind features on both EU/NA servers. Otherwise you’ll need to make purchases at each server’s crown store for Morrowind doubling your expenses
  2. While the cost to grab the Vvardenfell zone and Warden upgrades are unknown, you get the best value when you preorder now as it comes with Summerset and some digital goodies

So grab them early before you have to pay more later on for all the upgrades

The best way to farm Anniversary Boxes is …

It takes less than ten minutes to earn SIX boxes!

If you are doing the Anniversary Event that happens around April of every year (2024 link here), any daily or weekly quest you complete will earn you an Anniversary Gift Box (in addition to their regular rewards).

These reward boxes contain crafting materials (ore, ingredients, runes, etc.) and a single rare crafting item (Nirncrux, style items, motif pages, etc.) Continue reading “The best way to farm Anniversary Boxes is …”

Saving up jewellery for deconning in ESO’s next Summerset Chapter? Bad news

Sorry, you will not be able to deconstruct any jewelry you’re currently holding onto prior to Summerset launch.

(UPDATE: This article is no longer relevant today)

You will not be able to deconstruct any jewelry you’re currently holding onto prior to Summerset launch.

You will still be able to upgrade, transmute, or even research existing jewelry. You just won’t be able to deconstruct it.

So sell away all those gold and purple jewellery before they drop in value even further when Summerset releases


You’ll find mostly empty containers if you enter another delve or dungeon within X minutes after exiting

Most of the containers in the new dungeon will be empty if you’re on cooldown.

There is an unknown cooldown period after exiting a delve or dungeon that prevents the new area having mostly filled containers.

You’ll see barrels, bags, crates and other storage containers mostly “<Empty>”

If you were on cooldown, most of the containers in the new dungeon will be empty except chests and heavy sacks.

It is unknown how long the cooldown is – probably 15 minutes.

One way I found working is to quit the game entirely and start it up about 10 minutes later.

Tips on making best use of Double XP events

Remember to activate the Double XP, usually a momento.

Find out the quest reset times and do the event quests daily.

Remember to activate the Double XP, usually a momento.

Use training gear and XP levelling potions to maximize your XP gains

Make use of the Double XP to level your low level characters by running Normal random dungeons and doing daily writs

Do the event related special quests daily. They grant XP and most importantly, event-related goodies such as rare recipes, costumes and more!

Remember, XP does not grant skill points after you have reached level 50 so you’ll need to collect sky shards, do skill-point related quests and complete new dungeons!

Can I play on both EU/NA servers? Are my characters shared?

Yes. No.

Your characters and crown purchases are not shared between the PC/EU servers.

If you earn CP200 in PC-NA server, it does not carry over to PC-EU server.

ANY purchase you make at the Crown Store including DLCs can ONLY be used on the server you purchased it on. Continue reading “Can I play on both EU/NA servers? Are my characters shared?”

How to get more inventory storage slots space?

Here are some things you can do for more storage space

Here are some things you can do for more inventory storage space

Start a new character (instant 60 slots)

Level them in horse capacity (60 slots over 60 days)

Upgrade their backpack – instant 60 slots but can be costly in terms of gold.

You’re limited to a maximum of 8 characters and up to nine additional character slots can be bought with crowns Continue reading “How to get more inventory storage slots space?”

Where do I find Frost Mirriam, Bervez Juice & Hakeijo?

You cannot find them in overland resource nodes

Frost Mirriam and Bervez Juice drop only in crafting writs and from provisioning hirelings. You can buy them in guild stores too

Hakeijo runes can only be bought via Tel Var stores in Imperial City (DLC).  You can buy them in guild stores too and they sell around 10,000 gold. You’ll need to be good in PVP to earn thousands of the stones. UPDATE: They have a chance to drop in Psijic Portals too (requires Summerset & Psijic skill line unlocked)

If you need to learn the Hakeijo and Kuta runes, you should craft something useful “Truly Superb” item out of them rather that some low level rune. You can sell the glyphs at the guild store

Perfect Roe, which is usually used to make XP potions, can only be gotten via filleting raw fish which you get via fishing. The probability is like 1 roe for every 100 fish but it varies widely