Elder Scrolls Online now has an global auction house for PC players

Nirn Auction House allows you to trade with anyone across all of Nirn with no listing fees or tax. When using NAH you simply pay the ESO postage fee when you mail a sold item.

There’s now a unofficial PC add-on called Nirn Auction House that provides a central auction house!

Nirn Auction House allows you to trade with anyone across all of Nirn with no listing fees or tax. Continue reading “Elder Scrolls Online now has an global auction house for PC players”

Why ESO is tiptoeing the P2W line.

In summary: You pay to save time, lots of time that can go to years

You can pay to save time, LOTS of time. So it’s more like Pay-4-(Much) Convenience (P4C)

For example, to fully train a mount (for EACH character – and the game allows up to 8 characters for free), it takes approximately 180 days as each training can only be done once every 20 hours. If you pay, you can get all the upgrades instantly! It gets expensive when you have to repeat it for all characters you own. But the option is there.

Or to research all traits on a character, it can take more than a year. Pay and yep, you can reduce them to a minute. That’s assuming you have access to the gear to trait. Also, it’s very expensive. But again, the option is there. Continue reading “Why ESO is tiptoeing the P2W line.”

Over 100 bite-sized tips for Elder Scrolls Online

You really want to read this. Even if you are a veteran player.

Here are some tips you wish you knew. This page will always be updated

If you spotted an error, please let me know in the comments.

  1. You can purchase Soul Gems much more cheaply at Guild Stores rather than at merchants
  2. There is no central auction house in Elder Scrolls Online. Instead you sell via guild traders/kiosks located in all zones. Guilds compete to blind bid on the trader every Sunday. High traffic zones such as Elden Root, Mournhold and Deshaan have many guilds competing for them every week – bids can go up to millions of gold. This is why most guilds will have a minimum selling requirement every week for its members
    1. UPDATE: There’s now a unofficial PC add-on called Nirn Auction House that provides a central auction house!
  3. You cannot drop items into the ground from your inventory unless it is a requirement for a quest. You can place sieges in Cyrodiil areas (and they will slowly deteriorate if left unused) and some abilities such as Trap Beast allow you to place something on the ground for up to 60 seconds
  4. You cannot place items in containers/dead bodies in the world. But you can selectively loot only items you want.

More tips..

Continue reading “Over 100 bite-sized tips for Elder Scrolls Online”

Speed up loading screens and increase fps

Addons and video settings can cause long loading screens.

Reduce the number of addons, especially database intensive ones such as Harvest Map and Master Merchant with the below tip.

Use Circonians Addon Selector to select a addon profile for your mules, main char and resource gathering toons. Enable only addons that you really need for that character. For example, your mules do not need Master Merchant or Harvest Map. Continue reading “Speed up loading screens and increase fps”