Things that are specifically instanced for you (nobody else can ‘use’ or ‘loot’ it) in Elder Scrolls Online

Did you know? Many of the interactable items in Elder Scrolls Online can be used only by you

If Player A looted a barrel for instance, Player B will not see the barrel empty if it was lootable before.

So when you are travelling across zones, delves and public dungeons, and find an object in the list below, no other players can interact with it. You will not ’empty’ it for other players.

The list is as follows:

  1. Crates, Barrels and common containers that usually yield random mats
  2. Backpacks
  3. Stealable containers (yes, those green/blue/purple items you see inside such containers are only for you) except Safes
  4. Quest related items and cutscenes (Other players just see you standing there)

These items are NOT instanced specifically for you

  1. Treasure chests & Heavy sacks
    1. Note: In group dungeons and trials, each players gets their own loot from a chest and heavy sack
  2. Resource node such as ores, clothing, alchemy
  3. NPCs (if you kill one, everyone in that zone instance will witness it)
  4. Locked safes (If you loot it fully/partially, other players will see it)

Zones are also multi-instanced and you can not choose which instance to enter. Except if you port to a group member, in this case you will port to the group member’s instance. Zone chat only goes across that particular instance you are in. That means there are many instances of Rivenspire running in the server and you will join the one the server chooses for you.

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