You can’t play Elder Scrolls Online effectively if your ping is more than 150ms

Yes, you’ll also not be able to PVE effectively – but the consequences will be less severe

In PVP (Player-vs-Player), you’ll often die before you realise what has hit you or you can take action. Your death recap will show you 4 – 5 different abilities when you only saw one action on your screen depending on how bad your ping is.

In PVE (Player-vs-AI), mechanics such as growing red circles appear in your screen when they are already 50% complete (depending on ping) in the server giving your character less time to react. You’ll often “die outside the red circle”

So if you’re not living in North America or Europe region, you’re advised not to play ESO except for solo play. You’ll just be easy kills for the others

There will be a few folks who say they are able to PVP/PVE with 200ms/250ms or even 350ms ping. They’ll say you’ll have to adjust.

  • For PVP, you’ll usually have to be built to be more tanky and forego DPS. The more the ping, the more tanky.
  • For PVE, you’ll have to learn to anticipate and dodge roll unnecessarily wasting Stamina and DPS. But it’s lenient as you usually have a group to back you up. In Maelstrom Arena you don’t.

The solution is to add a higher GCD (Global Cooldown) to all abilities, including abilities excluded from GCD.

That said, you’ll probably will not stop playing the game if your ping is more than 150ms and simply adjust for it. Ba Dum Tsh

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